Sunday, June 3, 2007

--Parenting Styles 04--

Hi! Section #4 a bit late, cause I'm busy with my new creation, show you later. ^_^

Section #4

The Emotion Coach

- Sees the world of negative emotions as an important arena for parenting.

- Values and respects the child's negative emotions as an opportunity for intimacy.

- Can tolerate spending time with sad, angry, or fearful child; does not become impatient with the emotion.

- Is aware of and values their own emotions.

- Is sensitive to the child's emotional states, even when they are subtle.

- Is not confused or anxious about the child's emotional expression; they're in control and knows what needs to be done.

- Does not poke fun or make light of the child's feelings.

- Does not say how the child should feel.

- Does not feel they have fix every problem for the child.

- Uses emotional moments as a time to

--> Listen to the child

--> Empathize with soothing words and affection

--> Help the child label the emotion he or she is feeling

--> Offer guidance on regulating emotions

--> Set limits and teach acceptable expression of emotions

--> Teach problem-solving skills

Effects On Children

- They learn to trust their feelings, regulate their emotions, and solve problems.

- They have high self-esteem

- They learn well and get along with others.

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