Sunday, May 27, 2007
--Parenting Styles 03--

Saturday, May 26, 2007
--Parenting Styles 02--

Section #2
-Displays many of the Dismissing Parent's behaviours, but in a more negative way.
-Judges and criticizes the child's emotional expression.
-Is overaware of the need to set limits on their children.
-Emphasizes conformity to good standards of behaviour.
-Reprimands, disciplines, or punishes the child for emotional expression, whether the child is misbehaving or not.
-Believes expressions of negative emotions reflect bad character traits, and should be time-limited, and controlled.
-Believes the child uses negative emotions to manipulate; this belief results in power struggles.
-Believes emotions make people weak; children must be emotionally tough for survival.
-Is concerned with the child's obedience to authority.
-Same as the Dismissing style.
Friday, May 25, 2007
--Parenting Styles 01--

Section #1
The Dismissing Parent
-Wants the child's negative emotions to disappear quickly.
-May ignore, ridicule or make light of a child's emotions.
-Believes children's feelings are irrational, and therefore don't count.
-May lack awareness of emotions in self and others.
-Feels uncomfortable, fearful, anxious, annoyed, or overwhelmed by child's emotions.
-Fears being out-of-control emotionally.
-Focuses more on how to get over emotions than on the meaning of the emotion itself.
-Sees the child's emotions as a demand to fix things.
-Believes negative emotions mean the child is not well adjusted, and reflects badly on the parents.
-Believes negative emotions are harmful or toxic.
-Minimizes the child's feelings, downplaying the events that led to the emotion.
-Does not problem-solve with the child; believes that the passage of time will resolve most problems.
-They learn that thrir feelings are wrong, inappropriate, and not valid.
-They may think that there is something inherently wrong with them because of the way they feel.
-They may have difficulties regulating their own emotions.
I feel it's good to describe nowaday's parents, and what do you think.I hope this article benefit you as it's benefit me a lot....^_^
Thursday, May 24, 2007
--Pink LOVEly handbag--
Monday, May 7, 2007
Nature green... bracelet
Visit my shop. ^_^
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Lovely Purple and White Purse...
Last month, I watched one series of Hong Kong movie, they kept on mentioning about lavender...
I bought one small bottle of lavender oil. Started lavender aromatheraphy for our whole family... it's really make my mind peace and calm.
Last week, I bought myself one bunch of lavender flowers. It's with nice and lovely purple colour...
I started thinking something about purple colour... and here's the lovely purple and white purse...Hope you will like it. ^_^
Features:Height: 10.5cm Length: 15cm
Visit my shop.... ^_^
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
3S - Shock, Surprise and Satisfy

The size of the flower is 8cm in diameter.It is suitable for those having 6cm of diameter for her wrist.It also includes 2 small metal rings for you to adjust the size.