Sunday, May 27, 2007

--Parenting Styles 03--

Hello! Here is the section #3. I hope that all of you have gone through section #1 and #2.

Section #3

The Laissez-Faire Parent

- Freely accepts all emotional expression from the child.

- Offers comfort but little guidance on behaviour, to the child experiencing negative feelings.

- Does not teach the child about emotions.

- Is permissive; does not set limits.

- Does not help or teach the child to problem-solve.

- Believes there is little you can do about negative emotions other than ride them out.

- Believes that managing negative emotions is a matter of hydraulics; realise the emotion and the work is done.

Effect on children

- They don't learn to regular their emotions.

- They have trouble concentrating.

- They have problems forming friendships, and getting along with other children.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

--Parenting Styles 02--

I hope that you have finished the section #1. Here is the section #2.

Section #2

The Disapproving Parent

-Displays many of the Dismissing Parent's behaviours, but in a more negative way.

-Judges and criticizes the child's emotional expression.

-Is overaware of the need to set limits on their children.

-Emphasizes conformity to good standards of behaviour.

-Reprimands, disciplines, or punishes the child for emotional expression, whether the child is misbehaving or not.

-Believes expressions of negative emotions reflect bad character traits, and should be time-limited, and controlled.

-Believes the child uses negative emotions to manipulate; this belief results in power struggles.

-Believes emotions make people weak; children must be emotionally tough for survival.

-Is concerned with the child's obedience to authority.

Effects on children

-Same as the Dismissing style.

Friday, May 25, 2007

--Parenting Styles 01--

Hi! I just finished one parenting article.I had divided it into 4 sections and would like to share with you...

Section #1

The Dismissing Parent

-Treats a child's feelings as unimportant or trivial.

-Wants the child's negative emotions to disappear quickly.

-May ignore, ridicule or make light of a child's emotions.

-Believes children's feelings are irrational, and therefore don't count.

-May lack awareness of emotions in self and others.

-Feels uncomfortable, fearful, anxious, annoyed, or overwhelmed by child's emotions.

-Fears being out-of-control emotionally.

-Focuses more on how to get over emotions than on the meaning of the emotion itself.

-Sees the child's emotions as a demand to fix things.

-Believes negative emotions mean the child is not well adjusted, and reflects badly on the parents.

-Believes negative emotions are harmful or toxic.

-Minimizes the child's feelings, downplaying the events that led to the emotion.

-Does not problem-solve with the child; believes that the passage of time will resolve most problems.

Effects on the children

-They learn that thrir feelings are wrong, inappropriate, and not valid.

-They may think that there is something inherently wrong with them because of the way they feel.

-They may have difficulties regulating their own emotions.

I feel it's good to describe nowaday's parents, and what do you think.

I hope this article benefit you as it's benefit me a lot....^_^

Thursday, May 24, 2007

--Pink LOVEly handbag--

This is a pink lovely handbag, made of beads and pearls.
Where in the middle is a little flower.
For some people, pink color is for little girls. But for me, pink color represents LOVE, sweet, smooth, touching, feminine and also romance. That's why I really love pink color.

Guess what, I do know some guys love pink color madly. Crazy?That's why I had make this little pink lovely handbag. It's just so sweet.

Somebody asked me that actually how long I needed to finish this pink lovely handbag. Actually, I also didn't know, I just understand that when I passionate and ideas come, I really don't care about the time...^_^
Ha, I still remember to cook for my little boy.

Anybody interested, can visit to my shop.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Nature green... bracelet

I grew up in a small village, where surrounded by a lots of green trees...

Every morning, I can feel the nature breath.

The fresh air touch my face. I enjoy with the nature music.

Green, is nature, is should be our earth colour, at least, I think like that...

Now, I live in a big town...

I designed this bracelet, because I have a wish, wish that the person who wear this bracelet can feel the nature, just like what I feel...

I appreciate...^_^

Visit my shop. ^_^

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Lovely Purple and White Purse...

Guess what is this.....

Last month, I watched one series of Hong Kong movie, they kept on mentioning about lavender...

I bought one small bottle of lavender oil. Started lavender aromatheraphy for our whole family... it's really make my mind peace and calm.

Last week, I bought myself one bunch of lavender flowers. It's with nice and lovely purple colour...

I started thinking something about purple colour... and here's the lovely purple and white purse...Hope you will like it. ^_^

Features:Height: 10.5cm Length: 15cm

Visit my shop.... ^_^

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

3S - Shock, Surprise and Satisfy

Today, when my friend, XueWen rearranging her things in her PC. She showed me this photo and laughed. She said, she could imagine how different it's compared before and after of the 'Pink Flower Bracelet'. To her, the orange color flower was not beautiful.
But for me, each handmade item, I had made, they are like my babies. I spent lots of time in designing them, visualizing them, making them. Some time, when it's done,it's really different from my imagination, my visualization. No matter how beautiful or not, they are still my unique creations.
To be honest, I almost forgot that I had made this orange flower before, as I had it restructure it into pink color. But because of this so call, 'experiment' I had made this Pink Flower Bracelet. It a process of 3S - Shock, Surprise and Satisfy.
One of my friend love it so much that she wore it to a dinner and got all the attention. ^_^

The size of the flower is 8cm in diameter.It is suitable for those having 6cm of diameter for her wrist.It also includes 2 small metal rings for you to adjust the size.

May 1st 2007

It's May 1st 2007... Labour Day...

Wishing you Happy Labour Day... ^_^
Also, there something BIG happening on May 1st 2007..

See it yourself >>--> HERE